Sunday, December 4, 2011

How To Make An Ezine Advertising Works

Ezine advertising has existed since the earliest days of online marketing. The word ezine simply describes an email sent in the form of an electronic journal or online ezine. People subscribe to ezines, on topics that they are interested. It is a good and effective way to deliver an online newsletter by e-mail. This form of advertising is a great, and fun way to market your online businesses presence.

Publishing Ezine for your targeted email list makes marketing additional advantage. It has helped in the consolidation of online experts; these are the people who are reliable and is an expert in their field. They will help provide specific tips and easy to follow steps within their own specialized niche.
What you are going to read below is going to help you get your engine started on your targeted email marketing.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Eight Ways To Write Headlines That DEMAND Attention!

Do you know why some sites bring in buckets of cash
while other sites don't make a dime?

Ever wonder why some ads fizzle while others create a
selling frenzy?

One BIG reason could be the headline.

When selling things on the Internet you have about
three seconds to make your point or lose your visitor.

Click ... BANG ... they're gone forever!

If *your* headlines are under-performing then it IS
costing you sales. No doubt about it.

* You need a great headline.
* You want a great headline.
* You'd love to have a great headline.

But how do you create a GREAT headline if you're not a
professional copywriter?

Glad you asked.  ;)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Number 1 Marketing Mistake

Sometimes it seems that there is so much to do in order to succeed

* "Copy is king!" cry the copywriters.
* "Advertise or die!" shout the ad sites.
* "Joint ventures are it!" proclaim the JV brokers

So who is right and who is full of hot air?

Truthfully ... no one knows.

What we DO know is this. There are basic tactics that you MUST use
if you want your site to make sales.

Follow these tactics and you will succeed in time.

Avoid using these tactics and your success will be limited, and you
will be trapped trying to get ever more visitors.

What are these basic tactics? They include, but are not limited to